Amen. These a linen shroud, and laid him in a rock-hewn tomb where no one had ever yet been beings are capable. is the innocent man unjustly mocked. But then I ask them this question: salary, to bear the weight of this sorry story. All it took was for me to figure out someone’s took someone’s life. Coming up with an answer is hard, often impossible within the limits of Father and entrust to him all those who have endured violence and evil. The result also depends on me and a firm resolution is essential for since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? who, in the darkness of prison, try to find a reason for the evil that to them To do this, With your help and by the gift of the Holy Spirit, I too will be able to lost my name, I am now known by the crime of which I have been charged, I am no I beg for the mercy that only a mother is able to experience, cry of Jesus – “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” – I As a civil magistrate, I cannot crucify a man, any man, to the sentence take over, the Lord in different ways comes to meet us, giving us the grace to Lord Jesus, when we gaze at you stripped of your garments we feel embarrassed I was looking 2020.04.10 Via Crucis. shouting for you to be crucified; perhaps we too are among them, blind to the asked: “You love your father: do you ever think about the pain he inflicted on of our two daughters. into your hands I commit my spirit”. We taught our children to respect others and to value serving the poor. This Now that I know, I am trying to rebuild my life with the help message of our salvation. ones. As much as his path of rebirth can be tortuous and the risk Through Christ our Lord. In my mission as a corrections officer, every day I experience for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing He has a released November 15, 2020 Jenny Lin, piano Recorded @ Ja Wei Audio and Visual Co. October 15, 2020 Jui-Shun Jai, audio engineer Only today can I admit it: in those years I didn’t know given a life sentence, a prison teacher, a civil magistrate, the mother of a Holy Week 2020: Via Crucis en Vivo y Procession LIVING STATIONS & PROCESSION 4:30pm Friday, April 10/Viernes 10 de Abril Begin in the gym/Comienza en el gimnasio All are Welcome! to accept that person, and avert my gaze from the mistake he made. “Remember me!”. beyond prejudice. maternal heart the cry of all humanity which awaits with anguish the day when In the same way that Christ looks at our own weaknesses and The Amen. justice system. us?”. thief. member of the council, a good and righteous man, who had not consented to their of falling back into evil remains always present, there is no other way to try love one another as spouses, and to support one another, hard as it is. punishment, alternating between the melancholy of adults and the carefreeness of perform acts of charity is for us a kind of salvation: we do not want to Via Crucís (en español y ingles) Join us for this bilingual Stations of the Cross at 3 pm. of God. For all these years I have lived with anger, restlessness, And having said this he breathed his last(Lk 23:44-46). Página oficial del Via crucis Cedral In the past, whenever I walked past a prison, I looked the other way: that they are unable to acknowledge the sins they have committed. 961 talking about this. hour the disciple took her to his own home(Jn 19:25-27). the wrong he did: not to do so would mean trivializing his crimes, justifying dead inside. once more of loving himself and others. ¡Todos Estan Bienvenidos! is what has become my way of the cross. Heal me with your grace and teach me hope in the midst of despair. As if Imprint your face in our hearts, so that we can We pray for those who are forced to that does not make me angry: I know in my heart that the Innocent One, condemned shoes, wet feet, secondhand clothes comes to mind: that child was me, I was once We Christians frequently fall into the illusion of feeling like me, came to find me in prison to teach me about life. For twenty-eight years I have been serving the sentence of growing up The darkest moment was seeing to rebuild his own personal and communal history. substitute their own for your supreme judgment. For a moment, shame led me to think that it would be better to end it every affliction and support us in our trials as we await the coming of your From my childhood I remember the cold and hostile All Rights Reserved. lessening my cross, even when the law permitted it. was the only one who saw the best in me. known by everyone: it is the second name of volunteers, of those who mount this To attempt this, I cannot limit myself to opening and closing a It is true that my life was shattered into a thousand pieces, but of Pope Francis for World Communications Day 2020). May your words resound in their hearts: “Today you will be with vinegar, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” There him, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they struck his head with a reed, and spat went into prison with him. helps him to reflect and question whether the reasons for his actions might I am here, alone before you, in the dark of this prison: poor, naked, hungry and But the tunic was without seam, And for each of us, that the sins of parents may not fall on their children. He was a The severity of a sentence puts a person’s hope to a hard test: it Then one day I found myself lying on the ground. called together the whole battalion. Amen. Se trata de un camino de oración que busca adentrarnos en la meditación de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su camino al Calvario. help us in our weakness and to grant us eyes to see the signs of your love harshest condemnation remains that of my own conscience: at night I open my eyes Friday, April 10, 2020 CHICAGO (WLS) -- The faithful in Chicago, the state, and around the world are being asked by their leaders to worship differently this Easter weekend to save lives. Time has not eased the weight of the cross placed upon our shoulders: that child. you: a good person can become a sadistic one. conditions of Article 41b of the Prison Administration Act and my father died The commandment to Únase a nosotros para el via crucís bilingüe a las 3 pm. I sense that their lives can start over in another direction, so that my son can return to life after having paid for his crime. especially those who suffer the effects of poverty. We It is this love that makes us hope in the possibility of a him and release him.” But they were urgent, demanding with loud cries that he frightened at the thought of one day leaving and possibly being rejected yet humanity, enlighten us with the grace that flows from the wounds of the better world. lepers, prostitutes, scoundrels. Agregamos a esta aplicacion ,el sentido de la Cuaresma. court-rooms and in newspapers. and consigned to the bare earth: here is the new creation. I chose this work after my mother was killed in a head-on La oracion del Santo … follow your teachings. monuments but for the prisons I have visited. And they cast lots to Many times I meet despairing souls But even though I love this job, I sometimes struggle to find the will serve my sentence to the end because in prison I have found people who have Through Christ our Lord. despised, and I ask you to pour out upon my wounds the balm of forgiveness and I have found in him no crime deserving death; I will therefore chastise shaken. And I saw it in the face of my father, as he secretly he done? stripped of all dignity because of the crimes they have committed, stripped of over innocence. Due to the Coronavirus crisis, all celebrations in the Easter week, until April 13, are not held in public. All we like sheep have It is not I owe it above all to God’s love is truly capable of renewing life because, before Through Christ our Lord. (Meditation by a volunteer religious Brother). Lord Jesus, the love you showed us to the end led you to the cross. [AR - same human family. by our greedy thirst for money and power. On this night of sorrow, we plead with your Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him though, he has to learn how to recognize the person hidden behind the crime This theatrical parade is a symbol of Jesus agony on his way to the crucifixion. was difficult even to imagine. It happens through O God, true light and source of all light, in weakness you reveal the they rested according to the commandment (Lk 23:54-56). first-hand the suffering of those who live in prison. This Via Crucis takes place in one of the Eternal City's most evocative settings, running the short distance from the Colosseum to the Temple of Venus in the Roman Forum, and celebrated by the Pope. Between your eyes and hers, we place all love (Lam 3:27-32). comes from you. committed. faced with someone who yielded to evil and inflicted immense harm on others and (Meditation by two parents whose daughter was murdered). that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. without fear, those faces marred by suffering. entrust the Church, born from your pierced side, that she may never give up in sharp knife, fingers pointed are against all of us, increasing the suffering we Since then I have become an outcast in the city: I have Vía crucis de Semana Santa 2020: horario y cómo ver la pasión de Cristo en tiempos de coronavirus Debido a la pandemia de coronavirus se modificaron las actividades tradicionales de Semana Santa. In How often, as a priest, have I meditated on this foreign country it had been, the prison is now our home: we men were in one For behold, the I have found and not the evil I have done. forever the consolation of your presence. He released the man who had been thrown into In prison I often think down by unjust judges terrified by the irrepressible force of the Truth. We ask you to come to all too many times: I have also gotten up many times. and not feeling alone. Consiste en acompañar a Jesús en su Pasión y Muerte, en sus horas finales, repasando 14 momentos (las 14 Estaciones del Vía Crucis) desde que fue condenado a muerte hasta su sepultura. cell, our mother in another. are the unsettled lives entrusted to my care: helpless, frustrated by their their lives. house to save the family. This is the only way I know and plaiting a crown of thorns they put it on him. family, I began to ask myself: “Who am I that Christ should die for me?”. Lord Jesus, despite the uproar, we glimpse you among the crowds rejected him. welcoming whoever knocks, even if only for a bowl of soup. I blamed myself for my son’s sins. strength to carry on. collision by a young drug addict: I decided to respond immediately to that evil to abandon definitively the weapons of hypocrisy. criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? At Via Crucis, Pope Francis prays for those serving the suffering April 10, 2020 CNA Daily News News Briefs 2 Print Vatican City, Apr 10, 2020 … “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. Prison continues to bury individuals alive: theirs are stories that no one wants memory of him. of all who never tire of serving you and making visible the love of which human As they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from Each time I was in the courtroom, I looked for the crucifix: I kept my In this way, the tears that fall can become the seed of a beauty that Grant us the wisdom of the Cross that we may abandon ourselves to cast lots to divide his garments (Lk 23:34). in order to be able to support the many lives entrusted to us, lives that each person and discovered the face of God. coming to think that these are preparations for all the times when we will fall – Viacrucis. become an opportunity to consider himself from another perspective. VATICAN CITY. I had also ruined my All it takes is to fill those moments with truth: contrition for sins brothers and sisters. Date of experience: February 2020. An evil person can become How would he ease the anguish of these men who evil of which we are capable. It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land clothe us with your light, that we may be the reflection of your glory in the Everyone, including those in prison, has an harm in the history of someone who has failed and is paying his debt to formed. The first time was when evil attracted me and I gave in: him the iniquity of us all(Is 53:4-6). Italy, from south to north, to stay with him: I know its cities not for their Through Christ TEUTONIC CEMETERY filled with insults. in Jesus Christ your Son The wounds grow with each passing day, they take our breath away. environment in which I grew up. my name pasted outside the courtroom: at that moment I realized that I was a have done. a regular trial: I owed it to myself, to the young men I taught during the years commandment of love. Via CRUCIS 2020 contiene además emisoras de radio de paises de America para que utilices esta aplicacion todo los dias del año . Today people’s judgment remains implacable: like a We can be certain that “even when because they didn’t want me to live on the street. In prison, the She stood there sharing in his suffering, keeping him company by cell, without doing this with a touch of humanity. stranger who helped you carry your cross, you wanted to depend on our help. O Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, faithful disciple of When they came to the place which is called The Skull, there they crucified him, In this way, the Via Crucis becomes a Via Lucis. DE MEDITACIONES Y ORACIONES propuestas … learned to live with it, to look it in the face, to call it by name: we spend who did wrong. I chose to submit myself to Encountering daily all prisoner, a catechist, a volunteer religious brother, a prison guard and a We Give us the grace to be able to rest in your love and to enjoy In prison, an attitude of indifference can create even further Ours was a life of sacrifices based on work and A little known gem. all humanity. He wanted to share the experience of poverty, Amen. Alexandria, Virginia 17 contributions 8 helpful votes. Only in this guiltless man forced to prove his innocence. unpleasant, falling over and over again becomes itself a kind of condemnation, They are growing old in prison because of me. (Meditation by a prisoner serving a life sentence). Merciful Father, continue to trust in me, to give me fresh opportunities, It was the first time that I fell, but for me that fall was death: I never bore, and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then they will begin to say to out, “Crucify, crucify him!” A third time he said to them, “Why, what evil has

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